
Myter och sanningar om avokadons vattenförbrukning

Myter och sanningar om avokadons vattenförbrukning

Man kan inte säga någonting dåligt om avokadons näringsinnehåll, då dess hälsofördelar är obestridliga. Detta, tillsammans med dess utsökta smak, har gjort den till ett allt vanligare inslag i köket. Det cirkulerar dock en rad rykten och myter kring dess odling, särskilt angående vattenförbrukningen, och dessa behöver klargöras.

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Qvesarum förstärker ägargruppen och styrelsen med framgångsrik spelentreprenör

Qvesarum förstärker ägargruppen och styrelsen med framgångsrik spelentreprenör

Qvesarums grundare och huvudägare Joakim Emanuelsson meddelar idag att bolaget nu förstärker både styrelse och ägargrupp.

Det är entreprenören och en av grundarna till bland annat börsnoterade Embracer Group, Pelle Lundborg, som enligt Joakim Emanuelsson köper 20% av bolaget, och i samband med detta också tar en plats i styrelsen.

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An interview with Rille Rimfält

An interview with Rille Rimfält

Rille Rimfält is a Swedish guitarist and a woodcraft artist.

He co-founded the band Witchery in 1997 and has been touring all over the world ever since. He strongly believes in taking a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards working together with other people.

Today we interview Rille Rimfält.

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An interview with Martin Wettergren

An interview with Martin Wettergren

He is the Founder of Soultech, Marbella Tech Hub, Agapi Boat Sharing Marbella, Mediapilot, Whispr, Caterbee, Movesta, Solvthis, and Beaubi, among others.

Entrepreneur by nature, he founded Mediapilot in 2006 after finishing University. Mediapilot is a media analysis company focused on actionable insights for over 100 global relevant brands such as Coca Cola or McDonalds.

Today, we interview Martin Wettergren.

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An interview with Mia Kleregård

An interview with Mia Kleregård

Her mission is to contribute to a better world by a bold and sustainable leadership.

She has extensive and global leadership experience and is usually found at the forefront of what is buzzing in the world.

Mia is known to be a driven, goal-oriented leader that achieves amazing results through an inclusive management style based on values and diversity. She creates a culture of innovation, creativity and happiness. Her career has been well rewarded and noticed during the years.

Today we interview Mia Kleregård.

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An interview with Kicki Wallje-Lund

An interview with Kicki Wallje-Lund

Kicki Wallje Lund is a enthusiastic and passionate woman. She strongly believes that what can help someone to be resilient is to trust his/her own abilities to cope (not easy) and to become determined to cultivate an attitude of survivorship and trigger positive emotions. She has realistic optimism, believing that the situation will work out for her and all involved but knowing that it will require hard work on her part. She thinks that when you’re happy it’s easier to enjoy the moment and even joke about your past mess ups and have a fun time planning the future. But none of it deters your happiness in the present moment.

Today we interview to Kicki Wallje Lund

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