Pelle Lundborg, new representative for the Spanish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce on the Costa del Sol
Born in Örebro (Sweden) and with an entrepreneurial spirit, Pelle Lundborg has a long and successful professional career behind him. At the age of 16, he had already created his first company, a video game store in Linköping. After that he hasn’t stopped, he has been launching projects and managing companies ever since. Among the most successful achievements are the launching of the first videogame chain in Sweden, Nordic Games, which now goes under the name of GamePlay, the launching of videogame guides on the Nordic market and games for PCs, Piggyback, or the co-founding of THQ Nordic, today called Embracer Group and traded on the stock market with a workforce of more than 4000 employees.
After 25 years in the videogame industry, in 2014, Pelle’s interest in trying to convey the food culture with olive oil to Sweden, led him together with a partner to create a new brand of olive oil called Mainake. His passion for the environment, health and personal well-being, together with the experience of having gone through a health issue which made him slow down, led him to found Finca Solmark at the beginning of 2018. The finca is dedicated to rural agricultural tourism and export of avocados, olive oil and other ecological products to Sweden, the organization of different activities such as adopting trees and visits to show how olive oil is produced and it also has a charming accommodation in the middle of nature.
Lundborg is also known for his great empathy and social involvement. He has helped out as a volunteer at hospitals, helped giving advice to foreigners with personal problems, acted as a translator or simple kept people company who have needed it. You will also find him altruistically support projects related to science, nature, sports, mental health and entrepreneurship, only to mention some.
According to Luisa Alli, the board director of the Spanish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce and also Director of Communications for IKEA: “The combination of the best of Sweden and Spain, together with his interest for innovation, technology, sustainability, diversity and the working towards overall progress, makes him the perfect, without doubt, candidate for this new phase of the chamber.”
Anna Fransson also wants to congratulate Lundborg and wish him the best: “We are delighted with the incorporation of Pelle in the Chamber. His profile fits in perfectly with the type of person we want on our team, a person with initiative, creativity, good ideas, positive attitude, social skills, ability to connect people and he is also a change maker.
Lundborg is looking forward to this new stage with great enthusiasm and says “I feel lucky that I have been given the opportunity to meet this challenge in the Spanish-Swedish Chamber. Mats has done a fabulous job all these years and left a precedent that will be difficult to follow. I am looking forward to this challenge and already have some ideas in mind that I hope the members will like. I am very well aware of the fact that I am coming in at a very exciting moment of change where I can, together with everybody else, continue generating value to the membership of the Delegation of the Costa del Sol. I hope to be able to promote more commercial and cultural relations between Spain and Sweden. I am very grateful to all of the members of the Executive Committee of the Chamber for the trust they have placed in me.”
About the Spanish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce
The Spanish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce is a private, independent and non-profit association that aims to promote commercial and cultural relations between Spain and Sweden. The Chamber, which is located in Madrid, was established in 1950. In addition to its headquarters, it has a network of delegates in the provinces of Valencia, Costa Blanca-Alicante, Costa del Sol- Málaga, Seville-Huelva, the Basque Country and Sweden.
The Chambers offers a unique platform for the Spanish and Swedish business environment. This leads to commercial, social and cultural exchange through business opportunities, spreading of knowledge and a wide network of contacts. Most sectors are represented as well as institutions and associations from both countries. 28% of the members of the members are individuals with bilateral interests and the rest is represented by companies of which 70% are Swedish and 30% Spanish.
Finca Solmark is a Spanish-Swedish Rural EcoTourism engaged in the production, marketing and export to Europe of olive oil, avocado and other ecological products to Sweden. It offers charming rural accommodation and several projects to promote awareness, dissemination and environmental education.
Web: https://fincasolmark.com/
E-mail: hi@fincasolmark.com