October, 2019

Over 400 people participated in the First Open Day meeting at Finca Solmark on the Environment, ecology and sustainable tourism

The event, which was held on 5 October, was attended by the president of the Regional Council of Malaga, Mr J. Francisco Salado and the Mayoress of Carratraca, Ms Francisca Jiménez Morilla.

Finca Solmark, a rural ecotourism of Spanish-Swedish origin, which supports the environment, taking care of the environment and enjoying nature, held its First Open Days on 5 Octoberat 11:00 a.m. at it Carratraca facilities, in Malaga.
The main goal  of the event was to promote the Finca, to encourage the inhabitants of Carratraca and neighbouring towns  to enjoy a day in nature with their families and friends, to participate in the activities that took place, to taste the local products, and above all, to discover its essence first hand.
“It is in our DNA to be a socially responsible company and to become a changemaker, since  our project has a significant social and environmental impact”, said in his speach, the Swedish founder and owner, Pelle Lundborg.
These Open Days  were also be an excellent opportunity for local businesses to have visibility and for visitors get a taste of the products, services and trends in the rural sector firsthand. Solmark was attended, among others, by sustainable rural tourism companies such as (Galeota Turism, Carratraca Rural), bioconstructions (Gronkode), environmental education (UMA), agricultural machinery (Agrícola Nevada), renewable energy (Campohelios), Bonsai Art (Universo Bonsai), artisan bread (Piquitos Rubio) and well-being and personal growth (Book for Wellness).
Different practical activities were carried out throughout the day from a “Gusaparos Workshop” to teaching the kids about the life cycle of insects, to an  extra virgin olive oil tasting  or visiting one of our mineral exhibition organised by the Professor of Genetics at the University of Malaga Dr. Enrique Viguera and granted by “Talks with Science” for this purpose.

Beyond being a charming rural accommodation, Solmark wants to favour the change of aconventional agriculture to a sustainable and ecological agriculture, and also promote ecological tourism in Andalusia. To do so,  it offers solutions for rural depopulation in the area  (activities, workshops, events and talks) and teaches new progressive ideas for  caring for and respecting the environment. During the event, some of the upcoming initiatives it is organising were shown, such as the “Harvest Festival for the Olive Tree Sponsorship”” that will be held on 23 November.

These first Open Days coincide with Finca Solmark ‘s incorporation into  Forética, an organisation that is a benchmark in  sustainability and corporate social responsibility, whose mission is to integrate social, environmental and good governance aspects into the strategy and management of companies and organisations.
In Lundborg’s words,  “it is not easy to describe the Finca, where you can relax in full nature, sponsor an olive tree, plant an avocado, collect ecological fruit from the orchard, visit insect hotels, wander around in one of the precious sites to meditate, enjoy extra virgin olive oil that we produce or participate   in some of the clean-up and recycling activities that we organise, among others. Most importantly, it is about environmental awareness and that people understand that we are all responsible for taking care of the planet, starting with oneself. Many people speak and watch but take no action”.
During the open days, a cork tree was planted as a tribute to Candela Arroyo, one of the sportswomen who was awarded this year along with her team “Champions of Spain of beach handball in female youth category”.

Finca Solmark is a Spanish-Swedish Rural EcoTourism engaged in the production, marketing and export to Europe of olive oil, avocado and other ecological products to Sweden. It offers charming rural accommodation and several projects to promote awareness, dissemination and environmental education.

Web: https://fincasolmark.com/

E-mail: hi@fincasolmark.com

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